Our team, under the management of Jim Melville, provide 24 hour person-centred care and support to create the 'Campbell Snowdon experience' which our residents and their families value so much.
Many of our team have been with us for more than 15 years and obtain regular staff training to develop their special interests within the field. Residents appreciate continuity and familiar faces and thanks to the flexibility and co-operation of the team, we rarely need to employ temporary agency staff.
Jim worked as a Team Leader with Enable Scotland for 5 years supporting people with a wide range of disabilities. From 2009 he worked as Deputy Manager at Marcus Humphrey residential care home. Jim joined Campbell Snowdon as Deputy Manager in 2015 and was appointed the position of Manager in December 2017.
The work of the Activity Co-ordinator and the staff team is complemented by our active and enthusiastic volunteer group, 'Friends of Campbell Snowdon', whose members bring a much appreciated social dimension to the lives of our residents. Activities vary according to the time of the year and the interests of specific residents who are consulted individually and via the Residents Focus Group meetings.
Campbell Snowdon House
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